Monday, September 26, 2016

Day #5 of Hospital Visit & Home!

On Saturday, our sweet, happy Ellie came back to us. A body tanked up with fresh blood and platelets (that she would accept!) was exactly what she needed to begin the healing process. She spiked a fever on Friday night, and then again early Saturday morning, but after that point, her body was rapidly improving. 

I let her sleep in as long as she wanted to, and that morning it was late.
Her body clearly needed the rest.
Here she is in her favorite position: sideways on the bed, with her head on my leg.

Feeling good!

Ellie had to hit three milestones before she was allowed to leave the hospital:
1. No longer dependent on blood or platelet transfusions.
2. No fever for 24 hours.
3. Able to eat and drink on her own.

Things were definitely looking up for Ellie, and we started becoming very hopeful for a Monday release. She did not require any transfusions on Friday or Saturday, her blood cultures were coming back negative for infection, and she was not having any more fevers. We just needed her to eat and drink on her own. She had no interest in either, and really had not consumed much of anything since the previous Monday.

Ah, the hospital. Where bedtime routines mean nothing.

Sunday morning came, and it was the first time Ellie had been fever free for 24 hours in several days. Her counts came back with good news for the second day in a row! Her ANC and hemoglobin were steady and her platelet count was increasing. YAY! 

To be honest, everything else that has happened since then was a bit of a blur, and quite honestly, it really doesn't matter anyway. We met with the doctor and NP that morning and it was determined that Ellie was strong enough to go home. Her numbers were holding steady, if not improving, and everyone agreed that she would continue to get better quicker at home. Ellie was discharged at noon, and our family was together once again.

We're bustin' outta here!

Ellie insisted on taking a picture with all of the toys that she played with in the hospital.

SO HAPPY to be home!
For those observant ones, that is a picture that Nora drew
of Ellie receiving her blood transfusion in the hospital.

Finally, it was so good to wake up this morning with everyone together again. Thank you so very much for your thoughts and prayers for Ellie and our family during this difficult time. We could not have easily gotten through this last week without your love and support. 

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