Saturday, September 24, 2016

Day #4 of Hospital Visit

What a difference today brought. Ellie's numbers are up! 

Her ANC is 1640.
Her platelets are 26,000.
Her hemoglogin is 9.4.


To be honest, this was a complete shock to hear this morning. I was not expecting her numbers to go so high so quickly. It seems as though that the volume reduced platelets were easily accepted by her body, and even though the blood transfusion was cut short, it was able to give her enough of the boost that she needed. Additionally, she has had three separate blood cultures taken, and the results are beginning to come back, all negative. 

Praise the Lord! Our prayers are working!

(I will update more soon. But right now, I am off to bed. I just wanted to get that good news out there!)

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