Thursday, December 22, 2016

December Outings

As Ellie finished her last phase of treatment, she was given a break to let her body heal and recover before starting into Maintenance. So, for three weeks, Ellie has had no chemo or other medicine, and it has been wonderful. She was feeling well, eating food and overall happier, so we took the opportunity to pack in a lot of fun. Here is what has been going on for the past three weeks.

We were able to once again visit Quantum Leap Farms through 1Voice Foundation. The girls have been talking about it nonstop since our last visit, so they were ecstatic to get the chance to go back. Horse shirts were a must.

A few days later, we had the St. Joseph's Hospital Cancer Clinic Holiday Party. This is a party they throw every year for all of the families with a child on active treatment. It was so much fun, and the girls had a great time doing the arts and crafts. I think we went home with 15 ornaments that night.

Santa Claus visited and Ellie was not a fan. He walked right past our table, and Ellie could not get away from him quick enough. She turned to me and immediately climbed into my lap. Later during pictures, everyone wanted Ellie to sit on Santa's lap. Nope. Not happening.

During this time, as her body healed, she began eating a lot more food, with butter always being a strong choice. I'm not kidding when I say she will just eat butter. I always put it with something, but more often than not she will only eat the cubes of butter. At least there is a lot of fat! And her body need that. She is still under her diagnosed weight, which means that in 8 months she has not gained a single ounce more. Everything we do is to bring her up to what she once weighed. Bring on the fatty foods!

This picture is noteworthy because it was when she
actually started eating, bread AND (peanut) butter.

Now, this next series of pictures...get ready for some serious cuteness. They were taken by my mom at her house. She was in such a happy mood and actually asked to have her picture taken. THIS is our joyful Ellie!

She was so excited to have a lion family.

These next two pictures were a few days later. Please note the dress, tank top and long sleeved shirt. She wanted to dress in layers.

Get a look at that butter!

Ellie regularly eating has been a big deal. So, yeah, I take a lot of pictures of it.

Last weekend we made our annual visit to a live Nativity. It was already dark, so the pictures did not turn out that well, but we had a great time. The girls love attending this event.

While watching the Nativity, Ellie became so excited and squealed.
"My baby Jesus loves me!"
Yes, He does.

The next morning we were off to make Gingerbread Houses with friends.

On Sunday, thanks to Monica and Emmi Grace's Angels, we enjoyed a day at the zoo. If you've read for any length of time you know how much we love animals. We are so grateful that we will be able to enjoy the zoo as a family for all of 2017. 

That same day, a stuffy nose that had been bothering Ellie (and Nora) hit full force and turned into a cold. Ellie was miserable. She couldn't sleep during her nap unless she was sitting up, which means she slept in my arms.

And the next day. Yes, I'm wearing the same thing again.

So, this is how she ended her break...with a cold. This picture was taken on Monday, and Ellie went back to the hospital on Tuesday to begin her next phase of treatment. More on that, hopefully soon. 

We are grateful for the outings and fun that we were able to enjoy as a family. There have been many mixed emotions over the past few weeks, by all of us. There's a lot more to share, but it seems best to remain positive right now. We are hopeful for a Merry Christmas.

Please continue to play for Ellie's complete and permanent healing, and for no long term or short term side effects from her medicine. 

We are so thankful for your continued love and support of Ellie and our family.

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