Sunday, June 10, 2018

By the Numbers

799 - days Ellie was on treatment for leukemia

568 - days Ellie received chemotherapy

392- consecutive days Ellie received chemotherapy

142 - days on steroids

45 - scheduled clinic visits, not including unscheduled and other specialists

43 - days Ellie did not walk

22 - nights spent in the hospital

20 - total different medicines Ellie has taken

14 - lumbar punctures

11 - ER visits

11 - ballerinas that danced with Ellie

8 - platelet transfusions

8 - IVIG infusions

8 - inches of hair that Eva and Nora donated

7 - pediatric cancer friendly organizations we have grown to love

6 - different chemotherapy drugs Ellie received

6 - roughly the amount of x-rays

4 - red blood transfusions

3 - hospitals Ellie has visited

2 - bone marrow aspirations

2 - surgeries 

2 - times that Ellie lost her hair

ONE strong and brave little girl that survived Leukemia

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