Our Family

On April 2, 2016, our youngest daughter, Ellie, was diagnosed with Pre B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Although ALL is a treatable cancer with great success rates, it is a very long process. Her treatments began in April 2016 and will continue through June 2018. At that point, cancer treatment will have been half of her life. Our prayer is that once she starts school, she never has to think about her cancer again. 

She is being treated at the St. Joseph's Children's Hospital Cancer Clinic in Tampa. 

This blog was created to chronicle Ellie's treatment. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

For a little context, here is a quick background about Ellie's family.

Michael and Jaclyn York are natives of Tampa, Florida. Our lives crossed many times over the years, but we never really met one another. In 2003, during our senior year at the University of South Florida, we finally met and fell in love while on a study abroad trip in Wales. We became engaged the following May, and were married on December 12, 2004.

Just about four years later, in October 2008, we became a family with the arrival of our first little girl, Eva. Almost exactly three years later, again in October 2011, we added our second little girl, Nora. And then, two years later in, you guessed it, October 2013, we had our third little girl Ellie. 

Yes, they are all in October. Twelve days apart to be exact. No, we did not plan it. But yes, we love it.

Fun fact: In 2029, Mike and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, Eva will turn 21, Nora will turn 18 and Ellie will turn 16. All within 6 weeks of each other. Now, if that doesn't call for a party, then I don't know what does. Consider yourself invited.

Photograph by Ali Shryock Photography

(Shout out to Megan for helping me name this blog, late one night, via text while Ellie was in the hospital. Holla!)

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys! And, I ain't no holla back girl! Jk. HOLLLLA! ;)
