Since their hair was so long, I figured that they both might be eligible to donate their hair. I did some research about various organizations and finally landed on Children With Hair Loss. They seemed to have a very good reputation (they provide wigs to children for free - other organizations charge) and they only required a donation of 8 inches. I introduced this idea to Eva and Nora, and well, it was not immediately well received. While they were both desiring a hair cut, neither one of them wanted to cut their hair that short. So, I let it go. I really tried hard not to influence them into a decision one way or another. If they decided to donate their hair, I wanted it to be because they wanted to. Not because they felt pressured into it.
The morning of the haircut arrived, and to my surprise Eva said that she "maybe" would donate her hair. She still was not sure. Nora was a hard no. She wanted Rapunzel hair. Off we went to my friend Alyson's house to cut their hair, and once we arrived, Eva was a definite yes. She wanted to cut her hair short and donate it!
As soon as Nora saw Eva's hair she immediately said,"I want my hair to look like Eva's". Then, it was Nora's turn to have her hair cut short for donation. She may not have had the same thought process as Eva, but the end result was the same!
As you can see, their hair isn't even that short. It was just that long to begin with. For the rest of the day they were beaming, sneaking glances in the mirror whenever the could. They love their new hair cut! And, we hope, that they also love that they have selfishly given to another child.
It was time to send of the cut hair, and without any prompts from us, Eva decided to send along a monetary donation as well. A bag full of coins and dollar bills was left on the counter. In all, $30 of her own money! We were so proud of this unexpected generosity.
If you or someone you know ever decides to donate their hair, we would definitely recommend Children With Hair Loss.
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